Wildlife on Your Land
A lot of people, when they are looking for land, are looking for the perfect hunting spot. There are a couple of things you need to keep in mind before looking for a hunting ranch. The first thing to keep in mind is, are there any deed restrictions in the area? A lot of plots […]
The Different Kinds of Gates You can Install on your Land
You can’t have a property without an entrance, but there is more to think about than just installing a gate. There are a variety of gates to choose from including a manual gate, solar powered, automated, iron, double swing or single swing gates, and ornamental gates. Manual Gates Manual gates are cheaper and easier to […]
What Kind of Fencing is Right for Your Land?
When looking for a piece of land, choosing what kind of fencing is a big factor. Today, we will discuss the benefits and differences between barbed wire, electric, pipe, wooden, net wire, privacy and high game fencing. Barbed Wire Barbed wire fencing is the most common type of fencing on a piece of land. It […]